Qigon Meditation and The Inner Journey

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In meditation, if "you" focus on the Lower Dan Tian, as the observer, your perspective is:

From above the "third eye" area, looking downward
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From within the "third eye" area, looking downward
At, and outside the lower Dan Tian, looking forward
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At, and within the lower Dan Tian
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None of the above
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Any one of the above, at any given time
Total votes : 4

Qigon Meditation and The Inner Journey

Postby SageMorpheus » Mon Jan 29, 2007 3:24 pm

I have been meditating twice daily, for thirty years; mostly sitting quietly with a mantra, and concentrating on breathing. Over the years a verbal mantra (in the head) has faded to a subtle "pulsing sensation" which originates at the lower DT, and appears consciously somewhat as a foggy faint light in that area.

During meditation, the brightness of the light does not change, but travels upward to the upper DT area, where I also feel a pulsing behind the forehead area -- like the pituitary and pineal glands are "dripping or secreting" with each pulse. Eventually, the intensity of the pulse increases to the point where it results in my entire upper body going around in circles, with the origin of the pulse remaining "centered" at the lower DT, or sometimes lower, at the perineum -- kind of like a top spinning upon its point. I don't get dizzy or anything, its just a spontaneous, uncontrolled, energy-charged manifestation that is extremely calming, and that I can stop at any time --but why! Eventually, all the movement stops and I just sit there without thought for the remainder of my meditation.

I have also been a student of recording my dreams (C.G. Jung), religiously, since 1985, in my journal, struggling to see what they mean, as a means of "purging or purifying" and letting go of things I need to change about myself, deal with, or leave behind. I have noticed that since around 2003, my dreams have become less frequent, with long stretches in between -- suggesting I am either very contented in my life, or, I am seriously avoiding what needs to be dealt with.

Last year, by accident or by design, partly from wondering whether I had been driving a VW or a Mercedes (in terms of my meditation) all these years, I ran into Dr. Yang's DVD-1 Qigong, and bought Qigong Embryonic Breathing. As instructed, I started focusing my attention on the lower DT, in the intestinal area, and working on the Daoist breathing, small circulation. All of the "energy manifestations" I mentioned above, continued, and in some cases intensified a little. But the more interesting thing is, my dreams returned, to be more frequent, introducing yet more "grist for the mill" to work on in terms of my spiritual "journey".

Dr. Yang, in his DVD-1 Qigong (Highly Recommended), has a slide that shows how the Real DT is comprised of (intestines) "memory" six-times a person's height, and apparently, it is considered as "the second brain" -- hence, perhaps, having "a gut feel". One of Carl Jung's principal contributions to science is that dreams are symbolic, meaningful allegories from the unconscious. I am wondering if focusing consciousness to the Lower DT, in the intestinal area, especially during meditation, is waking up my unconscious, and therefore increased dreaming. I'm even wondering if Dr. Yang's Lower DT, IS the unconscious mind (I guess its okay to wonder, since no one has told me where it is).

I've always felt "the only way, is the lonely way", so I've kind of been flying solo all these years, not really sharing any of this "inner journey" with others.

I would be interested to know if any of this connects with others, to the extent you would wish to comment about this or share other "inner world" experiences.
The Inner and Outer worlds cannot be differentiated. Looking into one mirrors the boundlessness of the other. The path: To see emptiness in the vastness of both.
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